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Finding Food Science Articles on Journal Databases:
There are several sources of information relating to food science & manufacturing across the five main journal databases available to students.
Several relevant journals can be found on Wiley Online Library. To find information, access the Wiley database from this link:
Click in the box where it says Select your region or federation and click on UK Higher Education, then click on City and Islington College from the list. You should see a blue log-in screen, then log in with your college username and password.
The best way to find Food Science info on Wiley is to search the whole database by keyword.
From September 2019
Several relevant journals can be found on Science Direct. To find information, access the Science Direct database from this link: then type Westminster Kingsway College and click Sign in via your institution. Then log in with your college username and password, and search the database by keyword.British Food Journal is available via Emerald. Click here to access the journal directly:
Click Log in (near the top right of the page), then click Shibboleth (half way down on left of the page). Choose UK Higher education from the ‘Geographic region’ list, then select Westminster Kingsway College. You should see a blue log-in screen, then log in with your college username and password.
You now have the option to search by keyword within the British Food Journal.
Journal of Culinary Science & Technology is available via EBSCO. Click here to access the database. If you see a page that says ‘We are unable to validate your login credentials…’, click on the words Shibboleth login (halfway down the page on the left side). If you see a blue log-in screen, log in with your college username and password.
To find Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, click on Publications (top left), then search for Journal of Culinary Science & Technology in the search box under ‘Browsing: Hospitality & Tourism Complete – Publications’. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology should be the top of the result list; click on the title and then search within this publication.
Food science and technology international is available via Sage Journals. Click here to access the journal directly:
Click on Institution (near the top right of the page), click on Shibboleth (middle of the page) then select City and Islington College. You should see a blue log-in screen, then log in with your college username and password.
You now have the option to search by keyword within Food science and technology international.
Food manufacture is available via EBSCO. Click here to access the database. If you see a page that says ‘We are unable to validate your login credentials…’, click on the words Shibboleth login (halfway down the page on the left side). If you see a blue log-in screen, log in with your college username and password.
To find Food manufacture journal, click on Publications (top left), then search for Food manufacture in the search box under ‘Browsing: Hospitality & Tourism Complete – Publications’. Food manufacture journal should be the top of the result list; click on the title and then search within this publication.